Are Fruit Loops Vegan?

The choice of breakfast for every one of us, vegan or not-vegan is not an easy task, because the general idea is that has to be something that is fulfilling, that is nurturing and delicious, and preferably for those who are vegan, to be animal-free.
Is there anything like in on the market?
Yes, there is, but you have to be very careful about what you choose and what you give to your kids, especially vegan or non-vegan. As we will point out in some of the next sections of this pieces, it is essential to know that vegan does not always mean healthy choice, and this is also one of the things to keep an eye when you are buying items for your family.
The first choice for many parents around the world is cereals, and when they are in a hurry, it is store-bought. Of course, on the market, there are some well-known brands, and in this sense, you will usually opt for those that are famous brands.
One of those brands is Fruit Loops – for so many people, especially in the UK and the USA this one of the most favorite choices for breakfast there is, it is easy to make and delicious. They sound vegan because they are cereal that is made out of fruits, right?
The answer is no, and this is the first mistake that many vegans do, and we suggest that you avoid this mistake! Take a look at the ingredient box and make your own judgment. This is truly important, because the vegan status of Fruit Loops may be a bit controversial.
Online there are so many arguments are Fruit Loops vegan or not, there are so many different “proofs, and we need to look at them so that we could make our judgment.
Fruit Loops- made out of sugar, not fruit
The favorite and colorful cereal that so many kids around the world adore, and there is a reason – they have an amazing taste, and can fill you up, for sure.
But, there are some doubts about them – they are not made out of fruits, and all colors have the same taste, sugary one, with a hint of fruity flavor.
One thing is relevant for our story – they are not the same in the USA and in the UK, and this is maybe the aspect that can change their vegan status.
The colors come in green, purple and orange.
Some say that in them that are so many calories and chemicals.
The company that makes them sells them and other annually around 28 million boxes. In that group, Fruit Loops are also, maybe even in the first place, according to some studies.
In these delicious and for so many children favorite breakfast – there is sugar, then flour (corn and wheat, whole grain, etc.), but there is also some yellow corn flour. We spoke so many times about this, and we will say that this aspect is not problematic for vegans.
Also, in them, we can find oat and corn fiber, partly hydrogenated vegetable oil. This is very interesting it can be made out of soybean, or coconut oil.
There is salt, turmeric color, yellow, red, and some BHT for some fresh taste.
And as an addition in Fruit Loops, there are vitamins and minerals – Vitamin C, B6, B2, B1, A, D. B12, folic acid, iron, zinc and niacinamide.
Now we have come to the three parts in the ingredients list that is not vegan, or may not be vegan by some standards – sugar, colors, and Vitamin D that is surprisingly not vegan, and we will speak of this in the next chapter.
By looking just at these ingredients is vegan, but being vegan is not just that.
Are Fruit Loops Vegan?
It is the matter from which source the Vitamin D comes – it comes from lanolin that has an animal source. It, therefore, is not a vegan product.
Lanolin (Latin flax – wool and ileum oil) is a yellowish oily fat derived from sheep’s wool, used for the production of cosmetic and medical fats, creams, soaps, etc. Lanolin is a natural grease of animal origin that protects the wool. It is excreted from the sebaceous glands (sebocytes) in sheep. It is obtained from the wool of a clipped sheep. It is extremely nutritious.
Raw lanolin contains approximately 5-30% by weight of total wool. After washing the fleece and centrifuging the water in which the fleece was washed, crude wax is obtained and processed. Lanolin is obtained by scrubbing the wool with hot water and further purification to remove impurities. An average of 200-300 ml of lanolin is obtained from the wool of one sheep.
Some will say that it has some smaller amounts of this product – like micrograms. And those who say that you have to eat many, many boxes so that you take in some greater amount.
Some sugar is made out of cattle bones so that it becomes white, and in some cases, they are the cause that Fruit Loops are not vegan. It is also true that all those cereal manufactures have so many sources of sugar, so in some cases, they can be vegan, but it is not sure.
In the end, those colorings – like red 40, not because they come from animals, but it is more about the testing on animals. This is what some vegans will oppose, and we can totally understand it.
Of course, you can make a choice for yourself, whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Are Fruit Loops Healthy?
It is always advisable to read seriously what is on the label on the back of the box, and this is true for everything you buy – especially the food items you give to your kids.
All of us, will, at times, or regularly give our kids cereals for breakfast, believing that they are healthy, because they have some healthy flour, and they ate filled with vitamins.
Just a glance at the declaration will show you that generally, all cereals, and Fruit Loops also, contain between 20 and 30 grams of sugar per 100 grams of product or four to five teaspoons of sugar. This is a lot, and no dietitian will say that it is ok to give it to your kids.
And, there is a matter of how the cereals are produced.
During the processing of cereals, many of their nutrients disappear, and the inflated product tastes as good as sheets of newspaper. To give them good taste, sugar is added and artificial vitamins. And we are not saying that this is bad, it is better to have then not to have vitamins, but ever dietician will tell you that nothing can replace the real vitamins that you take from the source, like from fresh fruit and as you know there are no fruits in Fruit Loops.
Nutritionists have conducted some research, and they believe that most of the industrial cereals are not a desirable breakfast for that reason. But, the more industrially processed the food, the more artificial ingredients are added, and in order for children to like cereals, they put a lot of sugar in them. Sugar takes away all our vitamins, minerals, and iron. And nothing can take away this process, unfortunately.
Nonetheless, the cereals that are found in stores on healthy food shelves are also similar, and there is some little difference between store-bought and these.
Such products have excellent sales and are further encouraged by marketing agencies that only highlight the good sides, especially if vitamins and minerals have been added to the product. And all commercials that are dedicated to cereals involve children that are happily sitting around the table and eating cereals with milk, that is, according to the commercial filled with vitamins. And as we have explained, this is not the best choice, at least not on a daily basis.
The healthier version, but this also must be done properly, is the meal that includes oatmeal.
Oatmeal should be cooked, not overflowed with water because in this way they cannot be broken down in the stomach and intestines and give the body what we eat them. Those who opt for it the type of breakfast they should take is ordinary cereals and added honey and dried fruits.
For adult buyers, manufacturers have designed the slogan “low-fat”, which is the grain of any cereal and is by its very nature.
However, with the help of this smoke curtain, attention is drawn to a large amount of added sugar and salt, which are also found in cereals, which bear the word “fitness” in the name.
Proponents of a healthy diet vividly refer to white flour, oil, cooking salt and white sugar as “four white deaths.” And in all of these cereals, there is a lot of sugar. And this is the fact, regardless of other ingredients.
Just the fact that a certain product is called Fruit Loops – imply that in it there is some fruit and therefore they are vegan. The truth is that they do not include fruits, but they have some vitamins.
Vitamin D, sugar and colors that are tested on animals may be problem form some vegans, and they should opt for some vegan substitutes on the market.
For those who do not have a problem of this kind, can eat them, because they are technically vegan.
Vitamin D, sugar and colors come in some smaller doses, so they are not problematic in the amount of intake.
Of course, those who are more in-depth on this topic – they need to follow their ethical sources and not eat something they are not comfortable with.
Now, as far as the health status of them, they are not the healthiest choice that you can make for your family, but if you cannot resist – do not eat them on a daily basis, and in large quantities. They do not have any fruit in them, but they do have some added vitamins.
For all of you vegans who are reading this – be careful, and do whatever you feel it is ok for your family and yourself.