Is Cocoa Butter Vegan?

When you are starting your vegan story, always have in mind that you have numerous choices of what you can eat, but you just have to be educated of what you can eat.
The problem arises when you want to eat or add a certain ingredient, and when you want to make your food better, it is clear that you cannot eat meat or dairy, but there are numerous things in between that can cause you a challenge. What spice you can use, what butter to use in your cakes, what type of substitute you can use for eggs, and more.
For example, you want to eat bread – you think “O great I can eat it”, but you neglect the fact that most loaves of bread along with the pastries contain butter and some contain milk.
So, you are not clear from eating animal products, even if not directly, then indirectly. This is the step that so many people fall when they are on their vegan journey because they are not sure what they can eat.
Now, many of us know that the cocoa butter is very healthy and it is used in the chocolate manufacture, but, if you are vegan you wonder there is cocoa butter vegan? In a first glance, it is for sure a vegan butter, but we need to look deeper into its production to see this product truly vegan, by all standards.
Our guess would be that it is truly vegan, but we need to look at the facts before we make some definite answer.
And one advice for all of you, who are reading this – even if you are not a vegan, treats every food like this, and you will always be healthy because you will know what you eat.
It is used in chocolate production, and many say it’s healthy
Cocoa butter is made as it is obtained from cocoa beans, and the end result is the fat (Theobroma cacao). Cocoa is much better known for its seed, the cocoa beans, which were highly valued by the Mayan and Aztec cultures, which used them as money and for making their diet more nutritious, though rather bitter, beverages. The cult of cocoa beans and all beverages and foods that were obtained from them are now also active, more than ever.
The chocolate has a cult following, we all know that, but now, when many of us want to live a healthier lifestyle, eating organic food, and organic and healthy fat is active more than ever. Cocoa butter comes as a natural choice.
During the year, 30 cm long cocoa pods grow and ripen on the tree, each containing from 20 to 60 cocoa beans, surrounded by a white pulp. Cocoa beans produce a dough-like mass from which cocoa butter is then extracted. As you can see in its production, there is nothing added, that could jeopardize your vegan journey!
Let us take one example – the chocolate that has cocoa butter as one of the main ingredients – what sets white chocolate apart from the sugar bars that are sometimes labeled white chocolate is precisely the content of cocoa butter, which is the main ingredient in real white chocolates.
In contrast, chocolate, sugar, instead of cocoa butter, contains some other vegetable oil and, as a rule, an artificial aroma.
So, to get you closer what cocoa butter is, we must say that it is, in fact, a fat, that is obtained from the seeds of cocoa beans by the method of cold pressing and has a delicate aroma and taste of chocolate (its appearance is not dark, it has a fat color, a pale one).
Also, you should know what does the cocoa tree looks like – it has the “fruit” that has egg-shape and contains 30 to 40 seeds that are fermented and dried, producing cocoa butter.
It is an edible oily texture of light yellow color, which is solid at room temperature and melts at a temperature of 34 to 38 degrees. It gives the chocolate a smooth texture and the more cocoa butter is quality, the better the chocolate is.
It has the most stable structure of all known oils and fats and is very difficult to break down. This property is due to the high content of natural antioxidants, so this is the aspect that makes it very healthy, on top of all other things that are related to the cocoa butter.
Cocoa butter is made up of 60 per cent saturated fatty acids, 30-40 per cent monounsaturated and 5-10 per cent polyunsaturated fatty acids.
As you can see in its elements, there are no ones that come from an animal source, and in this sense, they seem to be vegan, and not just that, they seem to be very healthy, because all those elements are good for you.
Of course, you must not eat it too much, and this is true for any fat – but at least, in this case, it is good fat.
Is Cocoa Butter Vegan?
Cocoa butter is very well known and used in cosmetics and pharmacy. It is often used as an ingredient in natural skincare products (soaps, lotions, creams, milk …) it is also an integral part of lip balms.
At room temperature, the cocoa butter is in a solid-state and melts at a temperature of over 35 °C. Thus, in contact with the skin and the heat of the body, it becomes easily lubricated and usable. It is best to apply it immediately after showering while the skin is still warm and moist.
It is one truly heavenly food with divine scent and taste – used in so many industries around the world
We also know that it is a cholesterol-free fat (which applies to all fats of vegetable origin), and without Trans fatty acids, so it is a great alternative to animal fats and hydrogenated oils, which are used for frying and cooking. Now, we have said one important thing here that will reveal the true nature of this butter – it comes from a vegetable, and therefore it is vegan! 100 per cent!
Cocoa butter is valued for its chocolate aroma that makes it a great and unique ingredient, and it is a fast source of energy, it does not contain trans fatty acids, it nourishes and nourishes the skin, it helps to get a tanned complexion, it reduces the visibility of scars and stretch marks.
Having said all of this you probably could guess that it is one vegan butter that can be used abundantly. And it truly is like that.
It does not have any dairy product inside and therefore it is healthy, and not just that, every vegetarian and vegan could use it, because it is perfect for usage – you can eat it as a supplement, but you can eat it in your vegan diet when you need the fat that does not come from animal sources, and that has all qualities of good fat. You have found it is cocoa butter -the perfect fat.
Is Cocoa Butter Healthy?
Here we have come to the part that is truly even more interesting than the fact that the cocoa butter is vegan, which it is – it is truly incredibly valuable for your health.
Cocoa butter is a natural product derived from dried seeds, which grow in pods, on a cocoa tree (Theobroma Cacao). This vegetable fat is basically composed of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (lauric, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, etc.). It is also a rich source of Vitamin A, C and especially Vitamin E. This composition ensures its multiple actions that are very good humans.
Cocoa butter is a fat that is able to hydrates and rejuvenates softens and protects the skin from negative external influences – many skin products are based on the cocoa butter.
It also has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antioxidant effects. It is good for the care of any skin type, but it is primarily recommended for the care of dry and dehydrated skin. If you just take a look at this product, you will be able to find it in so many skin and beauty products.
The combination of rich in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids intensely protects the skin, creates a protective film and prevents the skin from drying out.
The Cocoa butter is able to restore the dead cells from your skin and to moisture to the skin and prevents dandruff. With its antioxidant effect, it contributes to slowing down the ageing process and is also recommended as a skin rejuvenating agent.
Regular use of cocoa butter accelerates the skin’s regeneration process, increases its elasticity, and is also excellent for preventing stretch marks, especially for pregnant women.
It is one of the best natural skincare products during (protects the skin and accelerates tanning) even after exposure to the sun’s rays (reduces the dryness of the skin, soothes it and increases its elasticity).
Used as pure cocoa butter, acne scars and dark spots after burns disappear very quickly. It is recommended for skincare prone to eczema and other forms of dermatitis, in children and adults.
Recipe for hot cacao
If you want to make homemade cocoa butter care products, you can buy these foods at health food stores, but make sure they are real, pure and organic cocoa butter.
Recipe for hot chocolate:
- 1 cup of herbal beverage (quinoa, oats, rice, spelt, almond, hazelnut, soy, etc.)
- One ripe banana
- One tablespoon of cocoa powder
- One teaspoon of poppy powder
- One tablespoon of melted cocoa butter
Mix all ingredients in a blender and sweeten with coconut chocolate and other treats and body care products.
As you could see, this is just one recipe, out of the many that you can use cocoa butter – and that is healthy and vegan!
You can find so many alternate versions of the hot cocoa recipes, and the cocoa butter is the main star in it, and it is for a reason.
In addition to making chocolates and treats that are related to chocolate, it is often used as an ingredient in natural skincare products, as we have said in the previous sections.
It is a very powerful antioxidant (cocoa contains the highest concentration of antioxidants compared to any food in the world) that helps fight free radicals. Free radicals are causes of stress and signs of ageing, but in the worst case, they are those that are used for fighting cancer.
Cocoa butter also hydrates the skin very well as it is rich in highly saturated fatty acids. Experts believe that it has a beneficial effect on the prevention and reduction of stretch marks, as well as the removal of mild scars. This vegan butter gives skin moisture and softness.
Applied to the skin creates a barrier between sensitive skin and the surrounding area, which prevents irritation of these areas. When used in massage, it helps to relax and relieve stress, probably because of its very pleasant scent. It is an integral part of lip balm.
Recommended Daily Dose: Cocoa butter is a saturated fat that is good for the body in small amounts. It is not recommended to eat more than 30g per day. Use it to make your own chocolate creations, as an aromatic addition to desserts or a sensual organic massage.
You can use it to make your own raw chocolate and sweets. Cocoa butter can also make a stunning skin cream. Just take a slice and rub it directly onto the skin. Cocoa is a natural herb for the nutrition of exceptional nutritional value and raises the energy properties of the body.
As you can see this one amazing butter, is healthy and vegan, and we truly think that there are not so many, useful food items on the market.
Try to find the best, organic version that you can find and use it abundantly. If you are a vegan, there is no other choice for you!