Purition made it clear – pure products are the best!

Hello again my lovely vegan friends, welcome to our new review! This time we are bringing you new products, new flavors, and presenting you with a company called Purition.
You probably heard of Purition, but this is the story behind the name! We have three ordinary women trying to make a change in their lives and to start living it healthy. Training and dieting were starting to be their everyday life -of course, for better results they were on a mission to find the best training supplement. But, finding “The one” was harder than they taught. In the sea of processed artificial proteins, an idea was born. Creating the best vegan protein started to be their goal from now on and you are going to decide if they have succeeded!
This time we are reviewing not 2, not 3, but 6 protein superfood powders! They are different in flavor but all six have only one goal! To destroy a bad diet by placing a bomb of vitamins, and minerals coming from nonartificial, and sugar-free, 100% plant-based mix in between a daily dieting routine. One step at a time and you will see how your body reacts positively to the good stuff that you feed it with! Sooner or later – you will make a twist, and the word vegan in between the name of your groceries will start to be just the normal, regular thing you buy.
It is time to introduce you to all six flavors that we tried and share our opinion on the dairy-free, vegan 100% plant-based Purition wholefood protein mix.
The Purition company offers you a great opportunity to try their different products in just one box – “The Discovery box”. You choose 6 different flavors suitable for your taste preferences and you are good to go, as some may say. We tried to make everyone happy, so we ordered flavors that are pretty common, and the ones that you always wanted to try -but you were maybe a bit scared that they wouldn’t be your cup of tea.
- Blackcurrant,
- Coffee & Walnut,
- Beetroot & Chocolate,
- Chocolate Orange,
- Pistachio,
- Turmeric extract
This is what we have chosen to review for you dear reader! First, we will start with the first five flavors -because the ingredients are pretty much the same -the only thing is that they differ in the ones that are put in the mix to give the specific flavoring.
Every vegan protein has a base of ingredients and the most usual one is a mix of pea, rice, and hemp protein. Besides the vegan protein mix, you can also find almonds that are a fantastic source of antioxidants, coconut -a fruit known for providing you with disease-fighting antioxidants, promoting blood sugar regulation, and reducing certain risk factors for heart disease. Now, what about the seeds? Well, of course they are one of the ingredients!
The most popular chia seeds, then sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and last but not least – flax seeds. By mixing these specific seeds -the result of the health benefits of the mix is massive. They are high in fiber, so don’t worry -you are going to be regular if you know what I mean 😉 The mix represents a great antioxidant, has a source of lignans which may reduce cancer risks (source US National Library of Medicine), omega 3 fatty acids are also a positive thing you can get from the mixture, and what is great is the fact that it may lower your blood pressure and lower unhealthy cholesterol in the blood.
Lack of energy won’t be a problem anymore, so no more excuses for trying something new and fun like hiking, running, any kind of training that is good for you. Combining healthy food with a recreation you get a healthy rockin’ body guided by a healthy mind.
Vitamins in the vegan protein superfood mix are a must! E, B1, B2, B6, Food Folate, Pantothenate, and Niacin are the ones that are going to do good for you by drinking the mix, and as for minerals – don’t worry, there are plenty of them. Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Selenium will provide your body with a normal function of the organism.
What about the tasting?
I’ve mixed the Blackcurrant option with Forever Beautiful, some almond milk, and coconut water and it tasted great. But that’s really not the point with this one. If you look at the ingredients and the benefits they bring, this was probably the single best thing I did for my body on that day.
But, I am a practical human being as much as anyone, so taste does matter, and for me it tasted very good!
#Coffee & Walnut
Unfortunately, I quit drinking coffee 6 months ago, so I still haven’t tried this one. But, I am a huge fan of walnuts! I eat walnuts on a daily basis. So I still might change my mind and try it at some point. Come back in a while to read the update of this Purition review!
#Beetroot & Chocolate
If you are a chocolate fan, you are going to love this one! On the other hand, if you are afraid of beetroot, you really shouldn’t be. I’ve drunk cold-pressed juice from beetroot, so I know what it tastes like. Spoiler alert, it tastes like drinking dirt! But Beetroot & Chocolate by Purition is waaaay ahead of that. So I guess you get the benefits of the beetroot and the taste of the chocolate!
I personally mixed it with a bit of almond milk and coconut water (because I didn’t know what to expect), but you should be ok with water as well. Don’t expect to feel full after this, but depending on your weight and fitness goals, this could come close to replace your dinner.
#Chocolate Orange
After Beetroot Chocolate comes to the Orange Chocolate combination. You’ve guessed it, it tastes even better! You still get that chocolatey taste, with a bit of an orange kick!
Like with other combinations, and depending on your fitness goals, you may want to add something to the blender in order for this to replace your meal. You are not going to feel hungry, but you may not feel full either.
# Pistachio
Are you a pistachio fan? Good, this one is for you. I can’t say I am a pistachio fanatic, but if you look at my kitchen shelf right now, you will find a bag of pistachio! I love adding them to meals, green salads, and it seems smoothies since I tasted this!
If your association with pistachio is “salty”, then you might as well read it here. Your drink will not be salty. It tastes great, and you will even get a few small bits of real pistachio. Real food – Purition!
#Turmeric extract a.k.a. The Golden shake
Now it’s time to tell you something about the Golden shake. It is pretty much the same, but with a great twist in one additional ingredient. It contains the Turmeric extract – Curcumin combined with Black pepper extract (Piperine). In Ayurveda (an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent) Curcumin ( a yellow pigment that gives Turmeric color) is known for its amazing health benefits.
It will give you that well-known curcumin spice kick, but if you have time to put a banana in the blender it will cover it nicely. But, in all honesty, I can’t imagine myself drinking this on a regular basis.
On the other hand, if you are wondering why drink it in the first place? Well, because of the health benefits, obviously!
The potential to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis. (Source Healthline, with citations from the National Center for Biotechnology Information).
It surprised me too – I always used turmeric as a spice, sometimes to make myself a face mask paste -but now, no one can stop me from including this healthy powerful plant in my everyday life diet! You just have to believe in the great force of our mother nature when you find out that she gave us this much of health power in such a small and underestimated plant.
Well, we are all different and you never know what to recommend -because if we liked the powder mixed only with water, you may hate it and be on a completely different side, preferring it to be mixed in a healthy fruit or vegetable smoothie! That’s why I am leving this decision up to you and I will be leaving you with the instructions on dosing the product. 40 grams per serving are the perfect amount of this vegan protein superfood powder.
Well dear reader, this review is completed and it is time to greet you all, and to remind you how important is to live our Vegan Protein Guide motto –“Grow vegan, grow fast”! 😀