Can Vegans Eat SeaFood?

In a vegetarian and also in a vegan diet, we can all agree that there are so many unknowns elements and prejudice what these people can eat and what cannot- ok, they cannot eat meat, milk, and deary products and eggs this is more than clear for vegans.
Still, there is a lot of a gray area in between. There are no rules and regulations in this way of life (no one can tell you what you can and cannot eat, it is up to you), so now this topic is of great interest, raising, on the other hand, a lot of questions.
Many people are curious, and they can eat vegans eat fish, or some Seafood? In most cases, people agree that they cannot eat fish, but what about Seafood? If you wonder, yes, we do think that there is a bit different in it, in the sense that you cannot compare a clamp and a fish… But this is just one point of view.
Therefore, there are an increasing number of discussions on this topic every day.
Under what category this food falls, read here.
What is Seafood?
There are many misconceptions about this topic, can you include some special seafood when you request a vegan meal.
This is more the question about how you perceive a vegan diet – in the same way as some vegans eat sugar, even if in the process of production, they come in touch with an animal element, while others avoid this kind of food.
This means there are a lot of gray areas when it comes to what is and what is not vegan. However, eating the meat of any animal is never considered vegan. And yes, that includes the meat of dead fish – but those who think that vegans can eat it, say that this form of life, like shells, do not feel any pain while they are prepared, so they can be consumed.
In this category goes all that comes from the sea, besides fish. It is delicious, nutritious, low in calories, and can be cooked in many ways. In addition to fish, there comes squid, mussels, octopus, and crabs. Seafood dominates the table of Mediterranean people who prepare delicious salads, soups, and stews, mix them with vegetables, cook, bake, fillet, in whatever way they want to eat it.
They go amazingly well with rice, pasta, any type of vegetable really, and many would agree that the best taste is when they are prepared in the simplest possible way – grilled with a bit of garlic and olive oil.
Can vegans eat Seafood?
You need to know that no fish is vegan – because of fish of any kind, just like the meat of other animals, is not vegan. Fish are not vegan, shrimps are not vegan, lobsters and crustaceans are not vegan, and eating any kind of animal that lives in the sea is not vegan. It is still an animal; most vegans would agree with this statement. It is a living creature; there is no doubt about it.
If you know exactly why you or any other supporter of this lifestyle decided to abandon animal products, then you can answer the following questions: what veganism is for you? What are the reasons that are pushing you toward a vegan diet? Think about this answer, and look for further explanation in the following lines.
If your reasons are moral – you avoid a certain food in order not to cause suffering to animals and to avoid their killing and exploitation, such people usually do not eat anything of animal origin, even fish, or anything that is alive. And Seafood is alive when you look it from this perspective.
Some choose this type of diet, because of the motives that are purely economical, some vegans are convinced that this lifestyle can help them save money on buying meat products. Therefore, answering the question – is the opposite; the fish and Seafood are also expensive, so they probably avoid it also.
One of the reasons on the other side is certainly environmental causes – such people are convinced that killing animals is a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, depending on such motives, these vegans most certainly avoid eating Seafood.
And the fourth part belongs to those who know that Seafood does not have a mind, a consciousness, and they know that when they include such food in their diet, they will remain healthy.
For health reasons, because such a diet can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, the appearance of cancer cells, and the number of cardiovascular diseases. In this case, people can eat fish and some other kinds of Seafood.
Are there any exceptions?
You can see that it clearly does! In recent years, veganism has grown rapidly, expanding its borders, and attracting new people. The preconditions for this are many, ranging from social and ethnic-motivated ends.
There are no rules and regulations in this way of life, so now this topic is of great interest, raising, on the other hand, a lot of questions.
Vegan’s lifestyle means that people cannot eat food, meat products, eggs, and the rest of the food is of animal origin – in many cases, they avoid any products that have any relation in the process of production with animals and any form of animal cruelty.
None of their personal exceptions alters the fact that a vegan, by definition, does not eat fish.
Many people are curious, and for the reasons we have mentioned before, like health reasons, they want to include Seafood in their vegan diet. Therefore, there are an increasing number of discussions on this topic every day, and we did not find a final answer yet.
Now, we have to say one more thing -there are those who firmly believe that any kind of Seafood cannot feel pain in violent death, so it can be eaten safely. Such beliefs contradict the concepts of the most ardent supporters of such a way of life, who believe that in no case cans any living organism.
The choice, in the end, is up to you – think of your reasons and what veganism is for you personally.
Health Status
Now, we would like to speak of one fact that is related to Seafood and its consumption.
US doctors have found that people who eat Seafood at least twice a week have a significantly reduced risk of high cholesterol, pressure, and heart attack. This is because deep-sea dwellers contain omega-3 fatty acids that positively affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems, regulate arrhythmia, diabetes, and cholesterol, and prevent damage to the heart muscle.
Those who eat a lot of Seafood, at least three times of the week, commonly prepared with a bit of maybe olive oil, know that such impact can have one very positive effect on the heart, brain, and eyes, and it is especially important that they are represented in the diet of children. Here is one suggestion – for vegan kids, it ok (for those who feel comfortable enough to do so) to give them some amount of Seafood.
In this sense, for example, mussel meat is also very tasty and nutritious and contains 82 percent water and only one fat, so it is ideal for people who take care of the calorie intake on a daily basis. Mussels are most commonly cooked, including pastes, soups, and risotto. They are rich in potassium, calcium, and sodium.
Octopus is an excellent substitute for meat, a rich source of potassium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium, as well as the vitamin B complex. It is cooked in various ways.
As you were able to see – Seafood is extremely healthy for humans, and if you feel comfortable enough, you can eat them as a vegan.
In Europe, this vegan lifestyle began to be practiced only in the mid-nineteenth century, and at present, the majority of vegan supporters live all over the world (it is said that in Italy there are the majority of vegans, in Europe).
This movement appeared in Russia a little later, and in 1901 the first cases of a company of supporters of this meal in Moscow were recorded. Nowadays you can find them all over the world.
In recent decades, this lifestyle has gained momentum, but if it delves into this topic, many cannot say whether vegetarians eat fish and eggs, drink milk, and do they even call who they are? From this statement, that these are people who do not eat meat, it is just the tip of the iceberg, and long overdue.
There are no strict lists of unacceptable food products, and each determines for themselves what to eat, but from what to refuse. It can all depend on the specific reasons why the person becomes a supporter of the movement. And, as we have said so many times before, there cannot be any judgment about this.
Regarding the Seafood and Vegan diet, there are also so many things we can say – many of them eat just raw food, some of them are comfortable in eating sugar, while others do not.
Some vegans can even give up sugar, alcohol, and honey. Their motto is: “Say no to eating living things, and any animal products.” In this case, they certainly do not feel comfortable eating Seafood, regardless of their health status.
And it is ok, and you can substitute it with some other things – you must always be careful that your vegan diet provides you everything that one human body needs – vitamins and minerals.