Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Muffins – Vegan Recipes

Most people choose to switch, in one period of their lives, to a vegan diet for the following reasons: they believe the vegan diet is healthier, they want to lose weight this way, or for some of them, there are some moral reasons and do not want their environment, and above all the animal world, to suffer because of their diet.
Vegan as a way of life or a way of eating is a term that is increasingly talked about and is gaining in popularity, in some countries it is known for years, maybe even decades.
You may also have thought that this type of diet would be right for you, and the fact is that you can never be sure unless you tried it, but for real at least for three months so that you can find out is that a perfect way for you or not.
To be sure, you need to know first and foremost what exactly a vegan diet entails, what are its benefits, and if there are disadvantages. In this sense, you can talk to someone who is an expert, like someone who is a dietitian, or nutritionist.
A vegan diet is a strict diet in some way, and it involves consuming foods of plant origin only, while those of animal origin are entirely excluded. In other words, it is a plant-based diet that can cause so many controversies, but the main thing is that primarily you should be educated when you want to start this diet so that you could know all details.
It is believed that the vegan diet has a rather limited number of foods and switching to this type of diet requires a strong character and a firm determination to cope with the ordeal.
But we will show you that this is not true and that today you can find so many recipes that will indulge your taste, and of course, there are numerous store-bought foods that are amazing in taste.
What about sweets in my vegan diet?
This applies for sweet and savory flavors- there are so many vegan-friendly recipes online that you can make for yourself with amazing and healthy ingredients. You can buy them, but trust us; it is always a better idea to make them your own, from the ingredients that you bought in some organic shop, that are vegan-friendly.
Muffins are a favorite breakfast or snack for so many people around the world, they can be sweet and savory, and they can be vegan, non-vegan, gluten-free, healthy or not; but in any case, they taste great, and they can satisfy your every craving.
Some people mix muffins with cupcakes, but there are some differences, and one of them is the fact that muffins do not have any topping on them, which is the most “unhealthy” element of them.
Number 1
1/2 cup oatmeal
One medium ripe banana
250 grams of canned chickpeas or canned white beans
1/4 cup of peanut butter
1/4 cup of maple syrup
One teaspoon baking powder
Two teaspoons vanilla extract
Drain the chickpeas and pour into a blender. If you are using beans from a can, pour in a strainer and carefully rinse thoroughly with plain water. This is important to lose the taste of beans, and you are making muffins.
Put all ingredients in a blender and mix well.
Pour into muffin moulds and bake for around of 20 minutes.
These muffins are amazingly tasty, and you can eat them cold, and they will still taste great.
Number 2
Two ripe bananas
1.5 cup oatmeal
Two tablespoons of coconut sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Two teaspoons of peanut butter
One teaspoon baking powder
One teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 190 ° C and prepare 12 muffin moulds. In a wide bowl, combine all the dry ingredients. Mix almond milk with crushed bananas, then combine everything and stuff the tin. Bake until the muffins turn golden yellow, about 30 minutes.
In both of these cases, you can see that all ingredients are mostly healthy, there are bananas, that are a super food and extremely valuable when it comes to your health.
Oats are also extremely healthy when prepared in this way, and of course, there are so many benefits that you can receive when you eat peanut butter (preferably organic and in small quantities, because it is fatty). We do not have to emphasize the value of bananas in your diet – they are a useful antioxidant and works against bacteria and viruses, so experts recommend “one banana a day as a cure.”
Health benefits
So, oats (Avena Sativa), is a grain and compared to other cereals, it was domesticated relatively wildly, about 2,500 years ago before Christ. Since then it was used abundantly in many countries around the world.
It is a one-year-old plant that is sown in spring or fall, which thrives best in temperate regions – is more resistant than other cereals, more rain tolerant and does not require much heat. This is especially important for areas with colder and wetter summers, such as northern European countries, where food is a significant crop here. Russia, Canada, Finland and Poland are the world’s largest producers of oats.
Oats were initially treated as secondary grains, weeds that mix with primary crops such as wheat and barley. As it expanded into colder areas, where conditions favored it with more than less resistant cereals, it became domesticated, that is, special and targeted cultivation for different needs.
They are very healthy – it is good for battling diabetes, high blood pressure, for cholesterol, for stomach pains and constipation. They are used for a diet very successfully, and in this sense, it is important to know that plain oats have (100 grams) about 390 calories, which increases when you put in various additions. It is best to eat them with fruits and a teaspoon of peanut butter.
Speaking of peanut butter, it is important to know that it is known to be a sweet treat, of course, because it is very tasty, but in addition, it has many health benefits, the most important of which is that it protects against cardiovascular disease.
Definitely, it carries a high percentage of fat (about 49%), but most of these fats are unsaturated fats, up to 80%. This means that it affects the cholesterol in the blood by reducing the level of the bad, increasing the level of good cholesterol and increasing the presence of monounsaturated acids in the blood, primarily oleic. This prevents clogging of the arteries and protects the heart. Numerous studies have shown that moderate consumption of peanut butter reduces the risk of heart disease even twice.
Having said all of this, using oats in this way, as the main ingredient in muffins (besides used as oatmeal) if the one thing that gives the structures and flavor, and it is important to say that when they are grounded, you get and eat flower that you can use instead of a regular one.
They are one very popular and healthy breakfast; oat bread and pastry are also made, and as far as drinks are concerned – oat beer, even (oatmeal and milk, a popular cold and sweet drink in South America), and traditional British cod (beer and oatmeal with spices). They have around 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, 11% fiber and 7% fat. With this they have vitamins and minerals- B1, or thiamine (66%);
B5 (27%); B9, i.e. foliate (14%); Manganese (233%), Phosphorus (75%); Magnesium (50%); Zinc (42%).
In addition to these important vitamins and minerals, oats also contain selenium, iron, copper and phosphorus. Oatmeal and oatmeal are real energy bombs, thanks to carbs and protein!
One hundred grams of oats contains about 17 grams of protein, and when it comes to oatmeal carbohydrates are extremely useful and good – so they should not be avoided! Carbohydrates in oats consist largely of starch, and 11% of fiber.
These substances bring multiple benefits to human health and development: essential amino acids stimulate liver function;
They have anti-cancerogenic action; iodine stimulates the proper functioning of the thyroid gland that is jeopardized because of a lot of stress that we have in modern days.
The other ingredient that is noticeable here is peanut butter also balances blood sugar levels and thus protects against type 2 diabetes, and its high-calorie content also prevents cultivation, of course when eaten in moderation. Two teaspoons of peanut butter a day will reduce the need for food and empty calories to grow.
Peanut butter contains as much as 600 calories per 100 grams, but these are by no means empty calories – it is not recommended to eat too much of this butter, but it is recommended to eat in small quantities, daily.
In the end, bananas are a great source of so many vitamins, they are great and easy to use -delicious and nutritious, and besides, they are a real treasure of high vitamins. Banana is used in the diet as a dessert, for the preparation of juices, for the preparation of creams, for the addition of some salads, cakes, and even as a raw material for brandy.
Banana is especially recommended for breakfast or snack because it very quickly gives the necessary ingredients to the body, so it is especially used by children and athletes as a snack or as a side meal. Research has found that two bananas a day provide energy for nearly 100 minutes of physical exertion. To prevent obesity, it is advised to eat a slice of banana rather than some candy.
When you mix these three elements together and add some others for taste and structure, you end up with one amazing snack or breakfast – muffins.
In the end, if you make any of these Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Muffins, you can be sure that you will stick to your vegan diet; and what is even more important you will be able to intake all that is necessary on a daily basis for your health, all the necessary vitamins, fibers and minerals.
Kids can enjoy them too, and you can make them for breakfast, snack or light dinner.