Tea of The Month: Green Tea

Green tea is a very healthy beverage, and it improves the health of people who drink it regularly in general. However, there are some side effects it can cause, especially when being consumed in very high quantities regularly. Remember, moderation is important with everything in life. That goes for drinking green tea too. In this text, we will inform you about possible side effects you may experience from drinking green tea and advise you on how to avoid or deal with them.
Upset stomach, constipation, and nausea
You can experience nausea, constipation, and an upset stomach if you drink green tea as soon as you wake up on an empty stomach. What seems to cause these are tannins in green tea, which instigate higher production of stomach acid. This is a big problem for people who suffer from ulcers and stomach acid reflux, and they should be very careful with green tea consumption, and it might be advisable for them to skip it entirely. One way to prevent or reduce nausea, constipation, and upset stomach symptoms is to drink green tea only after you have had a meal. Another is to add some milk, but that could block some of the beneficial effects of substances found in green tea.
The caffeine effect
Yes, green tea contains caffeine. However, there’s a lot less of it in green tea than there is in black tea or coffee. Still, this is enough to cause some undesirable side effects to some people. Caffeine tolerance and reactions vary from person to person. There are numerous side effects you may experience: headache, nervousness, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, convulsion, dizziness, heartburn, tremor, irregular heartbeat, irritability… Caffeine can also interfere with the prescribed medication you may be taking.
If you are worried you might have trouble with these, you can try some green tea types which contain less caffeine than most. Some of those are houji-cha, bancha, and gyokura.
Anemia (iron deficiency)
Tannins in green tea reduce the amount of iron absorbed in the blood. This is a double-edged blade. It has positive effects on people who have too much iron in their blood, but it has bad effects on people who have too little. So, green tea can sometimes cause anemia.
To minimize risk and this possible negative effect of green tea, only drink it between meals. That way, your body will process most of the iron that comes to your body through food without tannins from green tea being able to interfere. Also, in case you have a low level of iron in your blood, you should do your best to eat as much food rich in iron or food that increases iron absorption as possible. These are red meat and food rich in vitamin C, lemon, for example. Lemon is especially convenient because you can add it to your tea as a supplement, and it will improve the tea’s flavor. Two birds with one stone.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
In most cases, green tea consumption doesn’t have undesirable side effects on pregnant women or women who still breastfeed. However, there are some cases when they did occur, and for that reason, you should always be careful. Some studies have linked green tea consumption in early pregnancy with neural birth defects. To be on the safe side, consult your doctor. Don’t drink more than two cups of green tea a day.
List of health conditions green tea doesn’t mix well with:
- osteoporosis
- liver diseases
- high blood pressure
- irritable bowels
- glaucoma
- diarrhea
- diabetes
- heart problems
- bleeding disorders
- anxiety disorders
- anemia
If you’re taking prescribed medication, green tea can interfere with its effect. In this case, consult your doctor and consider lowering or entirely eliminating green tea consumption. Another option would be to split taking your medication and drinking green tea in a big-time intervals so your body can process them separately.
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How to drink green tea with minimum risk of side effects:
- Drink it fresh but slightly cooled
- Brew the same tea leaves multiple times
- Avoid high concentrated tea brands
- Consult your doctor about green tea interference with your medication
- Moderation! Don’t drink too much of it
- Drink it at least an hour before or after meals, never back to back with them
Why You Should Drink Green Tea Before Bed
The bounties of green tea remain no mystery to the average internet surfer. However, most readers are not aware of the fact that drinking green tea before bed can yield some effective results.
The Importance of Drinking Green Tea
The various bioactive compounds, antioxidants, and polyphenols present in the tea leaves boost the immune system within the body and reduce the risk of fatal diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. It also contains brain stimulants that ensure the proper functioning of the brain. What people also know is that green tea, if drank at proper times, boosts metabolism and helps in effectively burning fat, thereby rendering beautifying effects on the body, like loss of weight and clear, healthy skin. It can even give you a bright and alluring smile by killing bacteria in the mouth and by taking care of your dental health.
How and When Should You Drink Green Tea
Before getting on to the subject of why you should take green tea before bed, you should know how to select the right green tea for yourself. Green tea can be found in a great variety and under different names in the supermarket. it is essential that you find the right one for yourself, not only in terms of taste but of benefits as well. Flavored green teas are quite popular, but you must remember that health benefits hold more importance than mere taste. You should select one that is not too hard on your taste buds but still has antioxidant properties.
Herbal teas are another variety within the green tea family and one that many people prefer since these are usually decaffeinated and, therefore, can be taken before bed to reap most benefits. Black tea is yet another form, however, due to lengthy processing stages, it might offer lesser benefits.
3 Benefits of Taking Green Tea Before Bed
Drinking green tea before bed can get you some good benefits; however, you must choose a decaffeinated one, and therefore selecting the right kind of tea is most important. But here are some benefits of taking green tea before bed.
1. It Helps You Relax
Since it has a relaxing agent present inside of it, the green tea will help in soothing your nerves and relaxing you. Both of these ingredients make for a good night’s sleep and a night of good sleep directly means a fresher mind in the morning.
2. It Improves your Metabolism
Research has shown that sleeping soundly and adequately directly affects your body’s metabolism. And a healthy metabolic system ensures a body is in good physical shape and has glowing skin. Sleeping for fewer hours can even lead to weight gain since the metabolism slows down. By taking green tea at night, you can ensure that the metabolism stays in the tract. More on this below with a special section on how green tea can boost your metabolism.
3. It Eliminates Waste
Eliminating waste buildup from the body is crucial and cannot be underestimated. Taking green tea at night, after all meals are done, is a way of ensuring that your body will be assisted in the removal of the wastes.
Green Tea for Acne
Green tea is great for our health, and that includes our skin. It has been known for a long time that green tea has potent antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties, all of which are very useful in fighting off infections, inflammations, and other ailments which can harm our skin. Catechins are perhaps the substances that contribute to our skin’s health the most out of all substances found in green tea. An especially important one is named epigallocatechin gallate, or shorter EGCG. This substance is said to be stronger, as many as 25 to 100 times, than vitamins C and E. Amino acids found in green tea, theanine in particular, are also very important in warding off harmful bacteria, which are the leading cause of acne development.
In addition to being very good for your skin, green tea is said to be able to help with numerous other ailments. Although there are some side effects to prolonged and extensive use of green tea, the benefits far outweigh these, so it is definitely worth giving a chance. Of course, you should do some research and perhaps consult a doctor to see what would be the perfect dosage for you, if and when should you stop using green tea, and what possible side effects you may experience.
Green Tea For Treatment Of Acne
If you suffer from acne, you should do the following:
- Take a bowl and fill it up with water
- Soak a green tea bag in it
- Wash your face with this water
When you follow the above regime regularly, you will get smooth skin. The green tea water prevents the production of excessive sebum- the primary cause of acne. With time, you will also see marks fade, and your skin becomes more beautiful. Green tea is also beneficial for other skin problems. It is an excellent anti-aging tonic and gives mature skin the moisture it needs. This means that drinking green tea not only helps-it is an amazing beauty cleansing agent too!
Apply Green Tea & Notice A Visible Different In Your Skin
Green tea is a natural skin cleanser and is recommended for people of all ages. There are no side effects, and with regular use, you can get younger-looking skin. The following are some easy steps on how to use green tea for cleansing your skin:
1. After drinking green tea, you should infuse two or three tea bags in cold water
2. After cleansing your face, you should splash this cold water on your face so that its ingredients are directly absorbed by your skin
3. Repeat the above at least twice a day for best results. If you suffer from skin problems, you will notice a marked improvement after regularly doing this treatment for some weeks.
4. For the best results, you should use green tea bags as facial masks, especially if you have severe acne problems. You should apply the tea bag to acne-prone areas and remove it after ten minutes.
Therefore, from the above, it is evident that green tea gives you much more than internal health benefits. Externally it works against the forces of nature and protects skin at the same time. It is an effective beauty agent giving you the gift of flawless, younger-looking skin naturally round-the-clock!
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Here is a list of benefits green tea brings to our skin:
- It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing scars and rashes formed because of certain skin conditions.
- It acts as an antibacterial agent, killing off harmful bacteria, which are the leading cause of acne development.
- It keeps certain hormones in check, disallowing them to wreak havoc on your skin. Green tea’s beneficial effect on hormone regulation is not limited to the skin but goes even further, helping protect the body from other disorders caused by abnormal hormonal activity. It goes as far as preventing cancer development.
- It regulates insulin and blood sugar levels. Scientists have confirmed that there is a connection between carbohydrate levels and proneness to certain skin conditions.
- It is a rich source of antioxidants which are essential for the organism to keep functioning normally. They are very important because they are the primary line of defense against free radicals, which do not just attack skin cells, but every other cell in the human organism. There are many types of antioxidants, and green tea is among the best suppliers of these substances.
Application Methods
There are many ways to use green tea when it comes to skincare. The simplest one is to make tea and drink it. You can drink it hot or iced. However, most people agree you need to drink a lot of it to notice any effects. The usual recommended doses are three to six cups a day. If making green tea is too much of a hustle for you, you can opt to use green tea capsules, just like you would any other supplement.
Another popular way to use green tea to treat your skin is topical application. You can use it as an ingredient in your facial mask, or you can simply put a wet green tea bag on your face and keep it there for a few minutes before wiping your face off. Another way to use it is in the form of ointments. You can even use it instead of water when you want to rinse your face off. That’s the great thing about topical use of green tea, you can experiment quite a bit and include or exclude other ingredients.
Does Green Tea Burn Fat?
For thousands of years now, people have been using green tea for many benefits. This is because there are many beneficial components in this tea, including the thermo-genic properties. These cause your metabolism to increase or consume fuel a lot faster. So, does green tea burn fat? The body stores fats as fuel, so you could lose weight if your metabolism is using fat a lot faster.
Aside from the fact that green fights cancer, heart disease, and other diseases, there are also studies that show that it can burn off fat.
Green tea, black tea, and oolong tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Unlike the other varieties, the leave of green tea is not fermented before drying and steaming.
Catechins in Green Tea
Most teas have high amounts of polyphenols, plant-based substances with anti-cancer, antioxidant, and antiviral properties, but green tea is especially rich in catechins, nutrients linked to increasing metabolism rate and promoting smaller waistlines.
According to research, drinking two to four cups of freshly brewed green tea every day can help you to burn off about fifty extra calories. Thanks to EGCG, which is a compound that will speed up the metabolism temporarily after you sip the tea. EGCG will reduce the amount of fat or lipids that you absorb when you eat. Ultimately, this will benefit your cholesterol level, aids in weight loss, and promotes a healthy heart.
There was a study that was done and showed that individuals who drank a bottle of the fortified green tea extract daily for three months lost more fat than the ones who consumed oolong tea regularly. For this study, the researchers examine the effects that catechins have on fat reduction as well as weight loss. The candidates had similar body weights based on waist sizes and body mass index. They were divided into two groups, one drinking the bottle of oolong tea with catechins (22 milligrams) and another drinking the green tea extract with catechins (690 milligrams).
The candidates had the same breakfast and dinner meals throughout the testing period, and they were told to control their intake of fat and calories at all times to ensure that the overall diets were identical.
They Lost 5.3 Pounds
After a three-month period, the study showed that the persons who consumed the green tea extract were able to lose more weight of 5.3 pounds versus 2.9 pounds. They also experienced a significantly higher decrease in their waist size, BMI, and overall body fat. Besides that, they had lower levels of bad cholesterol.
Researchers state the results show that the catechins in this tea will help to burn calories, reduce LDL cholesterol as well as burn off body fat. These results indicate that catechins will help to prevent and improve various diseases which relate to lifestyle, especially obesity.
It is important to point out that the catechin in green tea varies by the amount used and the steeping time. The general recommendation is to have at least four cups daily.
Drinking green tea will also create a full feeling as well, so it is a very efficient appetite suppressant. You will get to focus on eating healthier if your body is not constantly craving food.
If you want to get the best results, you can replace your daily coffee with green tea. This tea can help to kick-start the metabolism and help you to burn off more calories throughout the day. You should avoid a lot of fillers because things like milk and sugar can add calories to tea and counteract the weight loss properties.
Cleansing with Green Tea
Green tea is popular the world over as a beverage for good health. However, many people are unaware that green tea not only detoxifies your system but also works wonders for your skin. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and helps to enhance the texture of your skin, both internally and externally. It is a powerful anti-aging agent, reducing the visibility of fine lines, crow’s feet, and wrinkles easily. It can also be used for the treatment of under-eye circles and the removal of dark spots.
The External Benefits of Green Tea
Regular application of green tea removes acne and renders you flawless skin. The best part of applying green tea is that there are no side effects. It gives you instantly glowing skin naturally. It is cost-effective, and you can also re-use your tea bags for skin treatments every day.
Advantages Of Green Tea For Your Skin
Green tea has the following benefits:
- It enhances the elasticity of your skin with its astringent properties that soothe the skin
- It prevents premature skin aging as it combats harmful oxygen from causing skin damage
- Contain about 5-8 times more Vitamin C than lime and tocopherol. This curbs the accumulation of melanin pigments and the formation of freckles and dark spots stops.
- Green tea has vitamin A and vitamin B2- the best treatments for acne.
- Rich source of tannins that help in the contraction of skin pores.
- Reduces inflammation in the skin
- Treats sunburns
- Treats minor cuts, burns, and blemishes.
Does Green Tea Boost Metabolism?
Is green tea your choice of hot beverage? If so, you will be glad to know that this Asian brew has been a number one favorite for centuries because it provides many nutritional benefits. This is thanks to the powerful antioxidants and flavonoids, which have properties to fight off chronic diseases. There are also research studies to show that this tea can boost metabolism as well as help the body shed pounds.
As mentioned above, green tea provides a wide variety of health benefits. One of the main ones is that it can aid in weight loss as there are components that help the body to burn off fats and calories. This is the main reason why tea is used commonly as an ingredient in popular diet pills. Even though this tea will not provide quick weight loss results like some of the other products, it can help you to lose excess body weight without interfering with your health.
Green tea has many powerful antioxidants which can benefit the body in a number of ways. EGCG or Epigallocatechin Gallate is one of those antioxidants, and it has properties to stimulate your metabolism and speed up your weight loss efforts. When combined with the caffeine content in the tea, the ECGC will work to stimulate your central nervous system and release fat in the bloodstream to encourage the body to use fat as a fuel.
Thermogenesis is the term that is used to describe the process of using body fat as a fuel. Thermogenesis is actually the calories that your body burns when absorbing and digesting the food that you eat. The Thermogenesis process involves the shedding surplus water, the production of additional energy, and the burning of fat. Green tea also has less caffeine than coffee, so it is a safer alternative for persons who are overweight.
Bear in mind that caffeine causes thermogenesis on its own, but it is far more effective when it’s combined with the ECGC and any other substance in green tea.
Speed up the Oxidation
Based on a small study that was carried out, it seems as if green tea helps to speed up the oxidation of fat and raises metabolic rates, thanks to its thermogenic properties. This study involved healthy young males with lean to slightly overweight bodies. Each was assigned three random meals with one of three cures, the green tea extract with 50 mg of caffeine, caffeine in 50 mg capsule, or a placebo capsule.
All the candidates were placed in a respiratory chamber that was designed especially for the study on three different occasions for twenty-four hours for the researchers to measure thermogenesis and energy expenditure. The ones who drank the green tea extract showed a 4% increase in thermogenesis and an overall increase of 4.5% in energy expenditure.
Other research studies also show that diets with a lot of flavonoids are connected to a lower risk of severe disease, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
Green tea is fast emerging as a very healthy drink because of its antioxidant properties, which help to fight off the free radicals, which cause many diseases. Tea flavonoids are considered powerful antioxidants.
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When you consume green tea, it can accelerate your metabolism by about four percent, which amounts to 100 calories per day and doesn’t necessarily contribute to a lot of weight loss. This tea might not be the right solution if you want to lose twenty to thirty pounds in a short time, but it can help you to maintain healthy body weight and provide other benefits.
Does Green Tea Stain Teeth?
When you have perfectly white teeth, this can significantly enhance your general appearance. One of the ways to change this would be if you are drinking items like tea that could stain your teeth. If you are a tea lover, especially the green type, you might be wondering whether or not this beverage can cause teeth staining. Does green tea stain teeth? Keep reading to find out.
Green tea is an extremely popular beverage, mostly because it contains many healthy nutrients, large amounts of antioxidants and low-calorie content. Similar to other beverages which offer health benefits, this has bothersome drawbacks which include the fact that it can stain the teeth.
Even though it will not necessarily damage your teeth, drinking this tea can change the appearance of your teeth to give the natural white color a more yellowish and stained look. This look is definitely not appealing, so you might not like the effects that the tea has on your teeth.
Why Does Green Tea Stain Teeth?
Green tea consists of tannins, which are plant compounds, and they increase the staining compounds that change the teeth color. This is done on a lesser level than the black tea. At this point, it’s worth mentioning that teas are acidic in nature so they increase the absorbency of the teeth enamel or outer layer. This makes it a lot easier for pigmented molecules in teas to stick to the enamel and cause staining.
In addition to that, there are generally two types of elements which stain the teeth, the intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic stains normally occur inside the teeth and they are commonly caused by trauma, infections, cavities, nutritional deficiencies and dental materials. In most cases, the over the counter whitening products will not work to fix intrinsic stains on the teeth.
On the other hand, the extrinsic stains are on the outer layer of the teeth and they are the more common types of teeth staining. In most cases, the extrinsic teeth stains are caused by contact with certain beverages, foods and substances. When green tea discolors the teeth, it is caused by this particular stain. Besides that, some of the accumulations and bacteria on the teeth can lead to dental plaque, most of which results from the extrinsic stains.
You should know that it is healthy to drink two cups of green tea, but you could suffer the consequences if you increase your intake and it turns into a habit. While excessive amounts of green will not damage your teeth to a large extent, it can dampen them mildly when the natural white color becomes stained with a yellow hue.
In conclusion, the green tea can stain your teeth simply because its natural darkness causes a yellowish discoloration. Just remember that having stained teeth is not the end of the world as there is whitening toothpaste or strips that you could use to bring back your natural teeth color. What’s even better, the health benefits of the green tea will far outweigh this drawback.